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Friday, December 8, 2006

AppMan 1.04



The professional tool for any smartphone user who wants to get the most from his device!


The professional tool for any smartphone user who wants to get the most from his device.

Dozens of unique functions and possibilities are available: system summary view; memory and disk information; extended application management, including compressed ones; complete management, control and information about running applications, processes, threads, open files, etc; removing trash from previously installed apps, memory compression, and much much more.

Summary view

Shows system summary view. Here you can see free memory information, disk information, summary information about installed and currently running applications and summary statistics for compressed apps. (AppMan supports SmartCompress archives, SmartCompress packed apps, and SpaceDoubler format)

Special functions (available in any view):

Compress memory - it reclaims some amount of memory back from a running application and the system

Close all apps - closes running applications, the ones that can be closed without damage to system only!

Restart device - Restarts your device

Running applications

This view shows you the information about running applications. Here you can see how much memory the running application uses, switch to the selected application, close or kill an application, get its extended info and threads information.

View settings: Here you can define if hidden applications are visible or not. Hidden applications are marked with picture if shown.

Processes view

Shows a list of running processes sorted by ProcessId in descended order, in simple words the last started process comes first in the list. Here you can kill selected processes, get extended information about it or gather its threads information. Lines marked with picture means that this process was started from ROM.

In the view settings you can define whether AppMan shows all processes or excludes ROM based. In simple terms if you exclude ROM based processes you can see the processes started by third party applications only (applications you have installed additionally on your phone)

Open files view

Displays a list of all opened files by system and third party applications. The list is sorted by the time of opening in descending order, in simple words the latest opened files are on the top of the list. If SmartViewer application is installed you can view file contents directly from AppMan. Please note: some files are opened in exclusive mode and cannot be viewed.

Installed applications

Displays a list of all applications found in the system. In this list you can see the application name, the amount of disk space it uses now, and if it's a compressed application you can see the amount of saved space and compression rate. In this view you can start a selected application, remove applications and get extended application info.

Compatible Handsets:

S60 based Models.

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